LLKMain Options
The main program for LLK is sf.llk.impl.LLKMain . Usage:
java sf.llk.impl.LLKMain [-options] <grammar.ll>
or simply
java -jar llk.jar [-options] <grammar.ll>
- --help|h - Help.
- --verbose|v - Set verbose mode.
- --debug
modes - Set debug modes. Debug modes is a comma separated string of codegen , follow , lexer , parser , treeparser and
on. Whenever debug is on, a stack trace would also be printed for all warnings.
- --errors
n - Suppress error messages after given number of errors, 0=unlimited
- --warns
n - Suppress warning messages after given number of warnings, 0=unlimited
- --notrim - Disable grammar optimizations which trim parse tree and merge charSet or tokenSet.
Grammar optimization may cause incorrect error locations in error messages (especially with merged charSet
or tokenSet which retain location of only one of the merged charSet or tokenSet). Turn this option on would
help locating the exact error location in the grammar file.
- --dir|o
dir - Output directory for the generated lexer, parser, treeparser and AST
node files.
- --module
string - The package name for the generated classes, this override any
module name specified in the grammars. This would not affect the output location for the generated
- --sdir
dir - Output directory for the generated support files. If not specified,
default to be same as the parser files.
- --smodule
string - The package name for the generated support files. If not
specified, default to be same as the parser files.
- --spath
string - Specified a ':' separated search path for looking up files that
would not be regenerated if file exists (eg. support files, node files, ... etc). Files that are always
regenerated (eg. the visitor) would lookup and generated in the -dir or -sdir
locations only. Started from v0.7.0 , a special form for the search path that ended with a '.'
(eg. sf.llk.share.support. ) can be used to specify a package name instead of a directory. LLK
would search for binary class (not source file) in the given package through the ClassLoader and prevent
the support file from being generated if found.
- --import
string - Import token type definition from the given xml file, overriding
grammar options.
- --pmodule
string - The parser module name. If specified, ILLKTreeParserInput and
LLKTreeParserInput would add import to the specified module to access ILLKNode. This is required if
ILLKNode.java is relocated to outside of the -sdir location.