TreeParser Generator
TreeParser generator generate a template tree parser grammar from a parser grammar. The generated
treeparser grammar may not be valid, but it save a lot of tedious work in converting a parser
grammar to a treeparser grammar.
Pass 1
- All literals, tokenRef() are stripped.
- All lookaheads (syntactic or semantic) are removed.
- All user actions are removed.
- All labels are removed.
- All try/catch/finally constructs are removed. The Choices inside the try{} block would
- All rule parameters and ruleRef() arguments are removed.
- Code rules are removed (Any reference to it would have been converted to a tokenRef() since
a code rule never has children.
- Rule that do not create nodes or reference to rule (in the parser grammar) that create
nodes are be removed.
- Rule that create node but create no children would be removed (Any reference to it should
have been translated to an empty treeRef()).
- Rule that create node and reference to rule (in the parser grammar) that create children
would stay.
- RuleRef() to rule that is removed would be removed.
- RuleRef() to rule that create node that has no children would be translate to an empty
- RuleRef() to rule that create node and has children (ie. referenced to rules, in
the parser grammar, that create node) would be translated to a treeRef() with a ruleRef() as
- Remove private rules and references to private rules
- Parser often pop nodes from the node stack and save it as a node attribute
instead of adding it to the output AST. To avoid interpreting llkTree.pop() statements in the
action block, LLKTreeParserGenerator assumed a convention that such nodes are declared as a
private rule. Any private rule are removed and reference to private rules are simply ignored
(assuming that they are not added to the output AST).
- Remove duplicated elements
Alternative that is duplicate of others would be eliminated. Usually such alternatives are
distinct in the parser grammar due to lookahead, literals or tokenRef(). Example:
a() | a() | a() (b())*
the first and second alternatives would be removed.
- Sideward merge of elements
Element that can be merged with its neighbour are merged. Again, such elements are distinct
in the parser grammar but not in the treeparser grammar:
a() [b()] (b())* -> a() (b())*
a() b() (b())* -> a() (b())+
- An alternative that generate no node in the parser grammar becomes an empty
alternative in the treeparser grammar. When a Choices block has empty alternatives, all the
empty alternatives are removed and one of the remaining alternatives would be made optional if
there is not already one.
- Upward merge of elements
The output tree parser grammar often has a lot of simple nested elements. If an element has
single element as child, the two levels can be merged into one and their EBNF modifiers are
merged. Example:
( (a())+ )? -> ( a() )*
- Pullup optional choice.
Since parser discard most tokens, it is often that a non optional choice in the parser
becomes an optional choice in the treeparser. An optional choice is often not a valid LLK
grammar. When there is an optional choice, the whole Choices block should be make optional
instead. In such cases, tree parser generator perform an upward merge of optional choice to
its parent Choices block (actually merge to the element that contains the parent Choices
block) to fix the grammar. Example:
[ #(parameterList parameterList()) ]
=> |
#(parameterList parameterList())
- TODO: If the optional choice is under a rule, pullup should make all
references to the rule optional.
- Element node translation
For each element with node descriptor, create a rule for the node type using content of the
element. Convert the element to a treeRef() to the created rule. If the element is
conditional, clone the given number of children of the element as an alternative. Example:
( a() (b())* ) #node(>1)
=> |
( a() | #(node node_()) )
void node_() : {}
a() (b())*
- TODO: Currently, children are not yet counted and all children of the
conditional element are included as an alternative.
- TODO: Left factoring of alternatives.
1 |
a() b()
a() c()
=> |
( b() | c() )
2 |
a() b()
( a() c() )+
=> |
( b() | c() )
( a() c() )*